ni pg2 bgn solat then
trus tdo balik...
hehe aslnya td nk baca nota...
hal maklumlah,da nk exam pun..hehe tp x sedar2 lg...
ni bace blog my besfren asilah...
geramla plak... huh npe la dlm dunia ni,ada je org yg x senang tgk org hapi... or lebih dikenali sebagai pengacau la..
p/s utk asilah:laling,jgn dilayan k,org yg x berape btol 2 k dear...
sabar je .. hope u always b happi!! t cuti sem kte jumpe !!
mish u..
trus tdo balik...
hehe aslnya td nk baca nota...
hal maklumlah,da nk exam pun..hehe tp x sedar2 lg...
ni bace blog my besfren asilah...
geramla plak... huh npe la dlm dunia ni,ada je org yg x senang tgk org hapi... or lebih dikenali sebagai pengacau la..
p/s utk asilah:laling,jgn dilayan k,org yg x berape btol 2 k dear...
sabar je .. hope u always b happi!! t cuti sem kte jumpe !!
mish u..
tq syg.
luv u..
miss u..
syg kmo juga!!
Visit and get your photos of Merbok Go Green Challenge. Don't forget to leave your footstep as register urself there. Have a lot of funs...
ai sheila... tak update lagi?
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